Word for the Day ~ EARS!!!!

They must be studying body parts at school this week because she came home yesterday with feet stuff! Too cute!


Unknown said…
Oh how cute!

And, listening ears is probably one of the class expectations, I know it is one of ours. :) It's a great idea to actually create an object to help remind the kids just how important it is to keep those listening ears on. :)

I love those first few days of school!
Tonya said…
that is too adorable.
Anonymous said…
I love this!
Becky said…
yes, her name is victoria and torie is for short. she has a horrible time with allergies. and she is loving pre school. she actually corrected me when I called it school,instead of pre school! too funny. my husband takes her since i am already at work, but he said she does ok. she cried every day at daycare, but is not doing that at preschool.she is a little hesitant, but really enjoys painting since she gets to play with water! lol.she is always happy to see me when i get there (usually about 445). She came home the first day trying to sing a new song,& that is a big deal for us.

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