"Summer Girls"

Two posts in 2 days!! Wooo Hoooo! I'm on a roll!

Here are some pictures of Olivia's, Jenna's & Victoria's birthday party at school last Monday. Their birthday's fall in the summer time, so the teachers let them celebrate their birthday's at school before school let out for the summer, so as to not leave anyone out. The other kids get to celebrate their birthday's during the school year at snack time or lunch time, but Olivia's, Jenna's & Victoria's are all in July when school is out. I thought it was great of the teachers to think of them too. Westwood School has been just fantastic & we love it there. The teachers told us that the kids were sick of cupcakes & just weren't eating them very well anymore, so we decided pizza & popsicles and it was a BIG hit. They loved it. They couldn't wait for the popsicles!!! Miss Tina & Miss Glenda also gave them kisses & a book for their birthday. So sweet!!

Livie ~ Birthday Girl 1

Victoria ~ Birthday Girl 2

Jenna ~ Birthday Girl 3

Fixing to pray before lunch

Blowing out her candle


Becky said…
Thank you for posting these pics. Paul forgot our camera, so we dont have any. they made me smile when i really needed to! thanks again!