Dibrell Pageant

Well, I broke down & let Olivia enter another pageant. The first pageant she was in was the one at the fair 2 years ago. (Our very first blog post I think) She won in her age group (24-30 mon). I was content. She, on the other hand, was not. She talks about pageants all the time & walking around onstage in a pretty dress because she LOVED the first one she was in. I have ignored it (because I am just not the pageant type person), but I finally started feeling bad about it & entered her into another one. We entered the Dibrell pageant about 2 weeks ago and she won again!! Yippeee!! (There were 7 contestants ;-) Anyway, she had fun and that is all that matters. Before they went onstage, we were told that the parents could go onstage with the girls if we wanted to since they didn't get to practice & they were only 3 years in age. I asked Olivia if she wanted me to go up there with her, & she said "No, I want to go by myself". I was shocked. Afterall, I didn't want her to go up there & make a fool of herself, BUT, this is what SHE wanted and it was HER night, so I let her do what she wanted. It was all about the fun anyway, not winning. So, she got up there and strutted her stuff, didn't walk all the way across the stage like she was supposed to (though I don't think any of them did), then went off. I was sooooo proud of her. Then, they brought the group back out and she stood there waving oh so beautifully, and THEN she decided to plop down in my lap. I about died.. I said "Girl, what are you doing??? Get up!" She grinned and jumped up... Oh my!!! I was laughing hysterically then. Anyway, we had fun. Her daddy, Nanna and Pa brought her roses & her Aunt Erica, Rylan & Charlie went out to eat with us afterwards (in a tornado warning I might add!) An overall fun time. By the way, I must also mention (so that she will have this in her book when she gets older), I only paid $5.89 for your dress!! Teeheee.. I love ebay!!! I also did your hair. Heather, Kalia's mom, sprayed in the glitter. I was sooo proud of you this night baby girl! You are starting to show independence!

Olivia & her friend Kalia backstage before the pageant started.

Here are Olivia & some of the girls telling stories before the pageant started. We were trying to come up with ideas to keep them occupied until it started.

Here is Olivia watching the storms roll in before the pageant started. There were some really bad storms this night. This was the night of the historic floods in TN.

I love this picture! They are lined along a wall waiting to go onstage.

Olivia onstage ( with the group & before she decided to plop down into my lap ;-)... Thank you to Rick Dixon for getting these pictures. I got the camera from Jason just before the pageant started so I could get backstage pictures, then I was never able to get the camera back to him before she went onstage. THANK YOU RICK AND KENNETTE!!! (Daddy did get it on film though. Yay!! Go daddy! ;-)

Olivia & her friend Kalia with their trophies ;-) Her friend Kalia got 2nd place!! Yay Kalia!

1st, 2nd & 3rd place.. Yay! Go girls!

And again......
