A New Clubhouse!!!

Olivia's Pa Jones made her and her cousin Hayden a clubhouse. It is the cutest thing ever! I would have loved to had one of these when I was little. He even put 2 little benches on the front porch, one for each of them. Hayden actually lives right behind us, so Pa just put the house right in between each of us. They are going to have a blast! They already have tables and chairs in the house. We have joked around saying that when they get older, we will probably see cigarette smoke rolling out the cracks of the windows!! Teeheee!!! We better not!!!! Anyway, here are some pics of them and their clubhouse!! We love you Pa.. Thank you.....


Saylorsmom said…
Oh that is so awesome! Saylor would love to have that in her yard. He did a great job. They are going to have a great time in that.
Unknown said…
That is too cute! He did such a great job!
LeAnne Grissom said…
I know it seems that our kids get things we wanted. My kids have a clubhouse and they stay in it in the summer. It is up off the ground and they could camp in it if they would. Ha Ha... I know the kidos will treasure this forever. There are a lot of memories to be made around it. Have a great week.
That is so great!! They will have so much fun together!
Unknown said…
Thank you! I have been on a "spiritual high" the past few days and really enjoying it! :)
That is awesome!!! Think of all of the memories they will make. :) She is a beauty.

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