"I'm getting old"

We are having a somewhat small issue with Olivia these days. First let me start off by saying that both of Jason's grandmothers passed away this past year. One passed in Novemeber (Meme) & one passed away this past May ("Mother"). They are missed dearly & we love them both very much.

So, Monday night I was in the bathroom taking my make-up off (with assistance from Olivia as usual ;-) and Olivia points to a spot on my leg that looks like a bruise and says "Momma, what happened to your leg right here?" I said "Oh honey, those are just spider veins." Olivia asks, "Mom, what are spider veins?" I said "Well that's what happens to you when you start getting old. 'I'm getting old' sweetheart." Yeah, well that did it. She got terribly upset. She said "But mom, I don't want you to get old!" (Starting to cry).. Pitiful. She then said "But who is gonna take care of me when you go to heaven. I don't want you to leave me & go to heaven." This went on for 15 minutes or more before I got her calmed down. Then, her daddy told me she even came downstairs & started talking to him about it. Meme & Mother's death affected her more than we thought. So after I thought we got this issue resolved, I took her to gymnastics on Tuesday, and she would not stay. She started just crying and holding those little arms up screaming "No momma, don't leave me here!", and would not let me leave her. I had to take her with me. (She's been taking gymnastics for months) Then found out that on the very same day during nap time at Nana Nana's (my stepmom), Olivia started crying for me again. Nana Nana had to hold & rock her. :-( This is totally out of character for her. She is associating "getting old" with "dying". It's so sad!! She is soooo worried to let me out of her sight. Same night, I had left the Lowe's phone in my vest and needed to go to work and get the phone out of my locker. I was going to just run to town and right back home so I didn't want to have to get Olivia ready. I was going to leave her with her daddy and come right back home. NOT A CHANCE!! She ran chasing me outside screaming and crying.. We had seperation issues before this, (because of her past, of course) and this has just intensified it. I feel so sorry for her. I don't want her to have to live with this fear and I'm not sure how to handle it or make her understand I'm not leaving her (unless God feels I need to :-) I guess I will just pray daily for God to put some kind of peace in her heart and let her know her daddy & I will ALWAYS be here for this sweet baby. I hope things get better though, because it is REALLY hard leaving her when she is so upset like she has been. It ruins the whole day!! She still talks about Meme and Mother daily.


Unknown said…
Oh bless her heart-and yours. I'll be praying for her to get that peace as well. I wish I could think of some type of something that may help.

I have a new tradition involving a happy Birthday card to Jesus from Carter on Christmas day that might work a little in this situation maybe...

this may not be a good idea but I wonder if maybe ever so often you could buy a helium balloon from the dollar tree (or buy 2, one for her to keep and the other for her to use in this project otherwise she'll be upset she doesn't get to keep the balloon) and let her draw a picture for her grandmothers, stick it in an envelope and tie it to the balloon and let her let it go and send it to them up in heaven maybe she would feel still connected even though they are gone and if she finds happiness in that maybe it would lessen the goodbye??? Just an idea-and maybe not a great one but it's all i got. -I will be praying though.
Tonya said…
Bless her heart...It does get better though. Hannah went through this same thing when Robert's mom passed away. It took a long time but she eventually talked about her and wasnt as sad anymore. It just takes time to heal. Kids realize much more than we give them credit for. We took Hannah to see her meme in the hospital and everytime someone said they had to go to the Dr for something she thought they werent coming back. She associated it with her meme not coming back. Just keep doing what your doing and she will be fine.
Tanya said…
Thank you both for your sweet comments. I love you both dearly!
Becky said…
I'll keep you guys in my prayers! Hope she feels better soon. Torie has seperation issues when paul went to fl.Time and lots of reassurance will help

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