Our First Official "School" Illness....

Well, Olivia has her first official illness since starting school. She has been really sick since Sunday (or Saturday night). I knew (and was warned) that she would get sick a lot at first. I just hope it's not too much. It has been kinda rough this week, but we've managed. I didn't miss any school and Jason didn't miss any work so I guess we got lucky this time. In my Speech class, my teacher will not let you miss 1 day or he deducts 25 points. Yes, you heard it right! No excused absences. Oh, and get this, if you miss more than 2 days, he starts deducting 50 points off your grade for every absence. Nice huh??? Well, really he seems to be. I am shocked at the attendance policy though. If Olivia gets sick and I have a doctor or hospital note and he deducts 25 points, we are going to duke it out!!!! :-) No really, I think I can manage. I just hope everyone else can. I think his class will be fine. (I am trying to stay positive about it can't you tell?). Here are some cute pics of Olivia I took last week BEFORE she got sick!

Not sure what the deal is with the pouty lips. Not sure where she has picked this up.


Unknown said…
I just can't get over how pretty she is. I hate that she has gotten sick. We should be allowed to keep them each in their own protective bubble where nothing negative can ever happen to them.
I cannot believethe attendance policy. That is just taking it too far. i've never really understood the whole attendance situation at college. If you are paying for the class you should want to be there as much as you possibly can and if for any reason your weren't there, it takes me back to, you are the one who had to pay for the course. The teacher gets paid regardless so to be that insanely strict just blows me away. anyway, enough of my rant. Hope your little one feels better soon. take care!
Paula Wanamaker said…
Girl, now that she is in school, just watch out!!!
My mom warned me of this when Salem started school, but I thought she was nuts, when she said he would probably catch everything for the first couple of years. The reason is, until they get an immunity built up, they will catch everything!
Pump her full of some good ole' orange juice, and pack some handy hand sanitizer in her backpack:)
She is the most adorable little girl, and she is cracking me up with the lips:)
paula ann
Anonymous said…
Your teacher must not have a wife or kids..never gets sick himself..or has never had an emergency..how sad...maybe nobody likes his class so in the past students skipped because it was so horrible..HAHAHA
Anywho..she is beautiful..pouty look and all!!!
Danielle said…
I hope little Miss Olivia starts feeling better soon! It's yucky when you have sick babies. Both of mine have a cold right now, so I understand.
Good luck with your speech teacher. That attendance policy is messed up!
LeAnne Grissom said…
Oh, I feel your pain, but my speach class was in 94. Boy was that forever ago. Miss Pockrus rocks. I have her for World Geography and the class is great. You got the hateful one this go round it will go better. If you get in a pich call me and I will try to help with Olivia. You know my boys would love that.

By the way today will be a Wally World day we could lunch in Micky D's (LOL). That is about as excited as the dinning gets around here for now. One part of Motherhood that I really don't like, but we all go through it.

Have a great weekend and I am sure I will see you somewhere this weekend!
Ashley said…
Thank you for your comment. I had her again yesterday but haven't had a speech yet. We have to start on them Thursday! YIKES! she said it will be easier and less nervous if you are fully prepared :) yeah ok? I ALWAYS get nervous about everything. But I do not know if i could it with roger lol
Olivia is the most adorable thing I have seen!
I didn't know if you realized I am one of Avery's teachers. She is a mess also.
Olivia and Avery are two VERY lucky little girls to have such wonderful parents.
Tonya said…
We are glad little Olivia enjoyed the card. Hannah felt so sorry for her. We miss you guys and cant wait to see you again. So there!!!HAHA...

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