Olivia's First Boat Ride...
So last week my daddy called & wanted us to go on a boat ride with him (and do a "little" fishing ;-), so we did. Jason didn't get to go because he had to work, but Olivia & I did, and so did her cousin Paige. It was really fun. I didn't get to take many pictures though because Olivia was scared to death at first, then she started liking it. She sat between my legs in my seat & held on to my thighs for dear life. ;-) The first time we took off, she started screaming, "Stop this boat. I want off right now!" Bless it.. I made her stay on it ( I know, mean mommy) and she ended up really liking it. I had to keep her face covered with a blanket when we were riding though because she didn't like the wind in her face, but she was doing some serious fishing (and coloring ;-) while the boat was stopped. (She even yelled at her Pepaw at one point when he started the boat to "Wait a minute Pepaw, wait till my mommy gets my blanket!!") Sooo fun...