Trident Watermelon Twist

I am really starting to wonder these days if gum is addictive. (Particularly Trident's Watermelon Twist Gum). Olivia is ADDICTED to it. No joke. From the moment she wakes, until it is time for bed, she is asking for this gum. We have even started purchasing this gum in the 3 pack packages. We have been known to go through one pack in one day (that is of course with her getting in my purse and sneaking pieces without my knowing it). At any rate, this is something that is going to have to be looked into. I have NEVER seen a human love gum the way our child does.

On another note, has anyone ever had someone to e-mail them wanting to advertise on their blog? Some traveling agency from Asia (I think) has e-mailed me wanted to advertise on my blog. Strange????? I, of course, will not do it because I am only doing this blog for purposes for Olivia when she gets older, (like turning my blog into a book like The Cutest Blog on the Block has), but I did find it rather odd.

First week of nursing school went well. I am officially overwhelmed, but it hasn't been too hard yet. I am very thankful for my 3 day weekend though.. 14 1/2 weeks to go!!! Wooo Hoooo!!!


My Casey And Corey love this gum too.
We Buy 2 Three packs a day!
I Think your doing good with just the 1. TeeHee
Love To You, Paula
Becky said…
I always tell Torie the machines w gum are far that is working.skittles on the other hand, not so much! lol. as far as placing an ad on your blog, I have seen several pro blogs with ads. I don't blame you for being nervous about that! Good luck with school.
Becky said…
just wanted to touch base and make sure you know flu is @ preschool. i didnt know until today when i picked up Torie...just fyi so you can be aware.
Becky said…
That is cute that she was taking care of you! Torie has a ton of sinus stuff going on, and a temp so she will be out until Monday. We spent the day at the ped's office.Flu and strep came back neg, just sinus stuff.
Thanks For Adding Yourself To My 'Followers' On My NEW Blog.
It's Friends And Sweet Comments, That Helped Me Decide To Start A New One.
Love To You, Paula
Saylorsmom said…
Did you get the package I mailed you?

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