
Olivia's Feet

Have I ever mentioned my love and fascination for Olivia's feet??? I love this baby more than anything in the world. The only thing I may possibly love more is her feet!!! :o) Thank you Mandie for taking this picture for me. This picture was taken at Fall Creek Falls last weekend. We went camping for 8 days last week and had a blast. Lots of updates and pics to come. Especially next week, someone is turning 5 next week :o)

A Quick Christmas Recap ~ 2010

All I am going to say about this holiday is that we are truly one blessed family. This Christmas was really special at our house and I will NEVER forget it. I love my life & family and sometimes wonder how in the world I became so lucky or why God chose me to have everything that I do. All I can do now is thank Him with all my heart, and that's just what I do everyday. On another note, Jason & I have decided to pursue adoption again and/or try to have a child biologically. Please pray for us and God's guidance in this next journey of our lives. I am really nervous. I just feel like I don't have the patience I should with Olivia, let alone another baby, but for some reason we feel like God is leading us in that direction. I hear this is a common worry among mothers though. I hope so. Another thing, I am 36 years old. I am no spring chicken and I have had LOTS of fertiliy issues. We shall see. God can do anything though if that's what He has planned for us. I know

"Sweet" Memories

So, there are a couple of things I must put on here so that I don't forget them as Olivia gets older. I have to make sure these go in her book. Yesterday: (While I'm brushing Olivia's teeth)~ Olivia to Mom~ "Mom, you know what?" Mom to Olivia~ "What Liv?" Olivia to Mom~ "You are REALLY bumpy today, you know that?" (referring to the acne on my face!!!!) Oh, but it gets better..... Last week: (While DAD is brushing Olivia's teeth)~ Olivia to Dad~ "Daddy, you know what?" Daddy to Olivia~ "What Liv?" Olivia to Dad~ "You're teeth are really yellow!" (Bahahahahahahaha) Later that day when Olivia hears daddy telling ME what she said that morning, she tries to make it better and says "Daddy, it's not ALL your teeth, just that one in the front!" Bahahahahahahaaha!!!! You see, he has one of those fake ones in the front (forgot what they are called at the moment) (veneer maybe?)... Sooooo freaking funny.

Our 2010 Christmas Tree

Hope to do better on posts really soon. We've been remodeling a bathroom and getting used to new schedules at work and just been busy, busy. Hoping everyone's having a wonderful holiday!

Camo Day at School....

Friday was camo day at school. I am usually prepared for these things, but for some reason hadn't looked at the calender until Thursday last week, only to find that Friday (the next day) was camo day. So, I called Olivia's cousin Hayden (who is 8 months younger than her I might add) and asked if we could borrow some camo clothes. They, of course, said yes, but the britches fell off her tiny hiney!!! :o( So, needless to say, this little camo hat & some green shorts are all I could come up with, but they worked. I bought the hat at Wal-Mart several months ago on clearance thinking it would never be worn, but I bought it anyway.. Thank goodness I did.. Her teachers told me when I went to pick her up that the hat and hair didn't last very long that day.. Oh well.... All that stress for nothing! She could've cared less! :o)